Apr 15, 2008

14 days

Just 14 more days and we'll be on our way to Beijing! We're excited, but at the same time we're thinking.... only 14 more days to get stuff done!
Major packing mode is starting to set in. I'm making mental lists, checking our central checklist and trying to think of every little thing we might possibly need for the trip. It's exhausting!
Tonight I can't get much done... Michael takes Cackie to gymnastics and I have my next to last Chinese Class. But, tomorrow... watch out! I need to spend the evening going through all the stuff we have, start condensing it and making my final shopping list.
This weekend Michael will be working frantically to get the bedroom floor stained and the finish put on it. That's a big chore and I'll be there to do anything I can to help move things along.

Last night we went out to cross two things off my to-do list and we ate dinner out. Cackie was in a really good mood and it was fun to just sit and laugh with her. We kept telling her she only had 3 more weeks as an only child. She still doesn't comprehend what all this means... poor girl is going to have her whole world rocked! I'm starting to say my prayers every night that our transition to a family of four goes well for all of us.

14 more days!

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