Aug 1, 2007

St. Jude Runners

Just got back to my desk from watching the St. Jude Memphis to Peoria Runners take off on their annual run. This is the 26th year that they have run the 465 miles from Memphis to Peoria. Mike in my area at work runs each year so we got a group together to go and cheer them on.

Just wanted to post this real quick while I was thinking about it. I should be back with full updates real soon. Tonight I will take my final exam for the summer semester and then I'll have some free time until classes start again on Aug 27. I'll be back to share pictures from our trip to Chicago, Cackie's 3rd birthday & birthday party, and hopefully we'll have some referral news coming real soon, too. I'm also hoping to find some time to pretty up my blog.
Until then watch for a news story on the St. Jude Runners, last year NBC Nightly News did a story on them on Friday evening. They'll arrive in Peoria on Saturday evening, so keep them in your prayers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How do you do all you do? you stay so busy my friend